Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Financial Deathstar 2.0: Shorting Wall Street

"As long as the music's playing, you have to get up and dance" - Charles Prince, CEO Citigroup 2007
2008 was called "The Big Short" because Wall Street was betting against subprime and millions of homeowners self-imploding. The $180 billion bailout of insurance firm AIG was forced down taxpayer throats so that Wall Street could get paid back on their bets against subprime. However, unlike 2008, everyone is bought in and sold out to this clusterfuck. Even Wall Street can't profitably hedge or short this runaway train. Meanwhile, the passage of time has conned the overwhelming majority into believing that the impossible is indefinitely sustainable. That's all it takes to convince the masses of anything. Time. As long as the Dow is ticking higher on a daily basis, literally everything else can fall apart in the background.

 "If you watch the nightly news, it feels like everything is falling apart" 
- Pres. Obama, Aug. 29th, 2014

"But gaze deeply at the Dow Jones Illusional Average long enough, and voila, the impossible is now possible...And behind door number 2, it's a brand new car !!!"